
Tons of features, tiny footprint

N2WS Backup & Recovery is a lightweight tool with powerful capabilities, built to integrate into any AWS or Azure environment.

cloud icon

Gain control of your data with automated archiving policies

cost explorer icon

Choose the most cost-effective storage tier to meet objectives

compliance report icon

Meet compliance demands while maintaining data availability

All Features

Award-winning backup and recovery with intelligent data lifecycle management, built for enterprises in AWS Cloud. Want to see these features in action?  Schedule a demo.

Automated Backups

Flexible policies and schedules (including backup for Amazon S3)

File-Level Recovery

Restore individual files and folders, or entire volumes and instances


Get application-consistent backups for your databases in AWS

Technical Support

All paid plans come with technical support from our in-house team

Rapid 1-Click Restore

Recover from any outage or failure with 1-click restore in 30 seconds

Capture + Clone VPC

Protect your infrastructure and recover everything —including VPC

Create Recovery Scenarios

Schedule automated DR drills the same way you’d schedule a policy

Active in AWS GovCloud

N2WS Backup & Recovery fully supports all AWS GovCloud regions

Cross-Region Backup & DR

Keep backups in a separate region for maximum data protection

Cross-Account Backup & DR

Protect your data from account vulnerabilities like Ransomware

Encryption Key Support

You can use custom encryption keys for disaster recovery (DR)

CloudFormation Template

Easily install N2WS Backup & Recovery with CloudFormation

Designed for Multi-Tenancy

Your “single pane of glass” to easily manage thousands of accounts

Alerts and Reporting

Get alerts by email or Amazon SNS and generate custom reports


Use the CLI and our RESTful API to integrate custom apps or services

Resource Control

Start or stop non-critical instances on demand or on a set schedule

Archive to Amazon S3

Gain control of your data with automated archiving policies

Archive to Glacier

Stay compliant at a lower cost by archiving to Glacier / Deep Archive

Cost Explorer

Use Cost Explorer to monitor EBS backup spend from the dashboard

Cost Savings

See real-time cost savings in your dashboard to benchmark success

Amazon S3 Bucket Sync

Sync object storage from one S3 bucket to another automatically


Set your EBS snapshots to delete immediately when archiving to S3

Scalable Worker Instances

Intelligent worker instances that scale to fit the size of the snapshot

Custom Tag Schema

Automatically add resources to policies by using custom tags

Archive Volumes to S3

Archive independent volumes to Amazon S3 and instantly restore volumes from S3 buckets

File-Level Recovery of S3

Locate and restore single files from Amazon S3 and view FLR sessions from the monitor

Secure DR Accounts

Add another level of authentication on disaster recovery (DR) accounts and trigger alerts or reports

Amazon EBS Volume Usage

Monitor from the dashboard and get alerts if volumes have exceeded a configured usage threshold

N2WS AnySnap Archiver™

Import and archive any existing snapshot directly to S3

Amazon EFS FLR

Restore a single file without having to restore the entire system

Multi-Snapshot FLR

Search + recover files from multiple snapshots (with no indexing)

Splunk Integration

Create a custom dashboard and monitor data in real-time

Microsoft Azure Cloud Support

Backup & recovery, scan tags, run reports, set alerts, and more

Archive RDS Snapshots to S3

Lower storage costs by archiving RDS to S3 for long-term retention

Support for Aurora Serverless

Cross-region, cross-account backup & recovery for Aurora Serverless

Amazon SSM Support

Perform application-consistent backups with Amazon SSM

SAP HANA Support

Backup & recovery for SAP HANA in-memory database to Amazon S3

FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Backup and restore Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP data volumes

Create Immutable Backups

Protect data with S3 object lock to create immutable backups

Enhanced Azure Capabilities

Get application-consistent backups for SQL servers and perform DR

Archive RDS to S3/Glacier

Archive Amazon RDS (SQL or Postgres) to any S3 storage tier

Enforce Strong Passwords

Create password rules and set expiration dates for added security

Clone VPC Gateways

Customer Gateway, NAT Gateway, Transit Gateways, VPN and more

Enhanced User Experience

Persistent columns, menus, collapsible toolbars, and more

Glacier Instant Retrieval

Copy data to Glacier Instant Retrieval for easy cost savings

Granular Audit Logs

N2WS records every operation initiated by users and delegates

Custom tags during recovery

Deploy custom tag schemas as resources are rehydrated

Multi-Factor Authentication

Add an extra layer of user security with MFA

Azure File Level Recovery

Explore multiple generations to recover individual files/folders

Azure Recovery Scenarios

Automatically run DR drills and get reports on a regular basis

Cross-Cloud Data Archive

With N2WS you can archive data cross-cloud from AWS to Azure

Protect DocumentDB

Easily back up and recover DocumentDB databases


DynamoDB Disaster Recovery

Backup and recovery DynamoDB tables across regions and accounts


Time-Based Backup Policies

Choose time-based or generation-based backup retention periods


Compliance-Mode Immutability

Secure EBS or S3 snapshots so no one can delete them —even the root user


Cross-Cloud Volume Restore

Copy data from AWS into Azure for true cross-cloud protection plan


N2WS Tag Assistant

Add, edit, or delete existing tags for resources during the restore process


Add a new NIC or private IP

Add on during a restore to ensure seamless network connection


N2WS All Policy Report

Get a report with all backup policies listed in a single CSV file


Capture + Clone ELBs

Supports backup and restore for all flavors of Elastic Load Balancers

New features so good we had to give them the spotlight

Get the Ultimate in Disaster Recovery with Cross-Cloud Volume Restore

Create an “air gap” with true data isolation into a separate cloud, so you can ensure availability, protect against ransomware, and avoid vendor lock-in. You can even make it immutable.

Now you can easily meet any new or expanding requirements for cross-cloud data isolation with N2WS Cross-Cloud Restore.

squiggly arrow pointing right
a screenshot showing how to activate compliance mode on EBS or S3 snapshots with N2WS
squiggly arrow pointing left

Prevent deletion with Compliance-Mode

Prevent anyone—even the root user—from altering or deleting backups (to meet mandates like FINRA or SEC). You can apply Compliance-Mode Immutability to long-term (S3) or short-term (EBS) backups.

Step up protection against ransomware attacks (or employee errors) and satisfy compliance requirements.

Protecting your critical AWS workloads is only the first step

Use N2WS Backup & Recovery to achieve high availability, full visibility, and complete control of your entire data lifecycle —while reducing your costs.

N2WS Levels of AWS Optimization Chart

So much more than just AWS backup, N2WS is your key to a better cloud

With N2WS you can move your production environment to another region or account, by simply updating your policies with the new backup target. You could also quickly spin up a copy of a full production environment or just a database for rapid development.

With N2WS Resource Control you can start, stop and hibernate groups of EC2 and RDS servers on demand or on a schedule. This gives you more control over your AWS spend with easy server scheduling for non-critical servers AND the added benefit of monitoring AWS resources from within your N2WS console.

Customize data retention periods to meet compliance requirements for your business or customers. Simply define how long to keep backups, when to move them to cold storage (for longer retention), and when to delete old snapshots.

It’s that easy to manage your entire data backup lifecycle with flexible retention and storage options that support your compliance needs and keep costs low.

Back up critical data to Amazon S3 and/or Amazon Glacier —saving up to 98% on long-term storage costs. N2WS allows you to cycle EBS snapshots in S3 buckets (and Glacier/Deep Archive) and retain those backups for months (or years) —keeping you compliant and benefiting your bottom line.

When N2WS copies snapshots to Amazon S3, it launches a temporary S3 worker instance to write objects into S3. As soon as the tasks are completed, the worker instances are terminated. EBS snapshots are exported to the S3 storage tier of your choice, giving you the ability to store archive backups on AWS.

You also have the option to delete the EBS snapshots after they are copied, eliminating additional EBS costs.

You often need to protect your workloads AND data stored on Amazon S3. With N2WS you can replicate data between different S3 buckets and leverage multiple AWS account and regions for additional security.

Disasters are rare, but they do happen. At any time, you could be impacted by ransomware, user error or regional outages. Protect your AWS environment against the the inevitable by replicating volumes across multiple AWS regions and accounts —with the ability to easily restore anything in seconds.

Enjoy regular, automated backup of all your VPC settings. N2WS saves you time during the configuration process by frequently capturing your VPC setup so that when disaster strikes, you can have your data and infrastructure back in seconds.

File corruptions happen so do accidental deletions and the occasional “my inbox ate it” incident. No need to worry over that problem ever again. Because N2WS makes it easy to find and retrieve individual files and recover to the original instance in seconds.

N2WS supports file-level recovery for encrypted and unencrypted volumes and gives you the ability to recover files from snapshots (even if they’re located in another region).

Running large databases in the cloud, with thousands of transactions taking place at once, means you can’t afford downtime or data loss. N2WS Backup & Recovery gives you application consistency —meaning you don’t need to take applications offline to perform backups. N2WS simply (and automatically) “quiesces” the system to take each backup snapshot.

EBS snapshots that are in Windows or Linux servers are not application-consistent by default.

So, if you’re backing up databases running on EC2 instances while you are “online”, the restored EC2 instance or EBS volume will require you to run a “consistency check” —which can take hours and sometimes result in an unusable database.

N2WS Backup & Recovery can run a pre and post backup script in order to quiesce the relevant database produce application-consistent backups. That way, when you need to restore the database, it will be consistent and able to receive queries immediately.

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) allows you to launch common databases including: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Maria DB and even Amazon Aurora. AWS does offer automatic snapshot creation for your RDS instances. However, in order to scale, you need a solution to manage several RDS instances across multiple regions and accounts.

N2WS Backup & Recovery allows you to back up and recover RDS instances from one console, with the ability to perform disaster recovery into different accounts or regions, helping you to meet uptime SLAs with ease.

As Dynamo DB is a serverless database there is no need to provision processing power or storage —this is all done by AWS in the background.

N2WS Backup & Recovery uses AWS-native technology to backup and recover NoSQL Dynamo DB tables, TTL and tags. Simply create your tables and back them up from the N2WS console to gain access to centralized reporting to meet your compliance needs.

The enterprise tool-of-choice for AWS data lifecycle management

Full support for your core AWS services, including: Amazon EBS, RDS, DynamoDB, VPC, Redshift, Aurora, EC2, S3, FSx, and EFS (including cross-region DR)

Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2

Amazon EBS

Amazon EBS

Amazon EFS

Amazon EFS

Amazon FSx

Amazon FSx (all flavors)

Amazon S3

Amazon S3

AWS Outposts

Amazon Outposts

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon Aurora icon

Amazon Aurora

Amazon RDS

Amazon RDS

Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift

Amazon DocumentDB

Amazon DocumentDB



The top-rated backup and recovery tool in AWS Marketplace

With over 80 five-star reviews, dozens of testimonials from real customers, and 18+ industry awards for excellence, we’re the leading enterprise tool for a reason

N2WS is the multi-award-winning backup and recovery for AWS
AWS Government Software Competency badge
N2WS is the top-rated backup and recovery tool in AWS Marketplace

N2WS vs AWS Backup

Why chose N2WS over AWS Backup? Find out the critical differences here.

N2WS in comparison to AWS Backup, offers a single console to manage backups across accounts or clouds. Here is a stylized screenshot of the N2WS dashboard.