Find out how to deregister AMIs and delete their snapshots. You can also copy the automated script that performs these
Sebastian Straub
April 12
Learn how running scripts from N2WS Backup & Recovery can help you achieve application-consistent backup with PostgreSQL.
Sebastian Straub
March 2
A cost-performance comparison of AWS EBS volume types: magnetic EBS volume, general purpose SSD EBS volume and provisioned IOPS (PIOPS)
Sebastian Straub
January 29
Learn the basics of AWS EBS volumes and follow the step-by-step guide to resize EBS Volumes on AWS for both
Sebastian Straub
January 11
The terms backup, replication and disaster recovery are often used interchangeably and confused. This post will breakdown backup vs replication
Sebastian Straub
March 20
The complete guide to Amazon EBS snapshot pricing, including how Amazon EBS snapshots work within your AWS environment.
Sebastian Straub
March 3
Try N2W free for 30 days —and get your first policy up and running in ~14 minutes.
Why chose N2WS over AWS Backup? Find out the critical differences here.