
Customer Webinar Series

Maximize your cloud ROI with the TL;DR on N2WS

Brisk, 20-30 minute espresso shots of wisdom blending valuable insights with a dash of delight to supercharge your cloud —making every minute (and dollar) count.

The TL;DR by N2WS espresso cup illustration
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N2WS TL;DR episode

Cost Savings with Resource Control

Learn about the key feature that allowed Gett to save 50% on their compute costs within one month.

Cost Savings
12 SEP

Cross-cloud: protection and optimization

Cross-cloud can help you avoid vendor lock-in, achieve a true air gap in the cloud, choose best of breed tech, and more!


We're still cooking up the November topic

Got an idea? Send us an email to info@n2ws.com or reply to any of the TL;DR emails we send you.

Watch past sessions on-demand
N2WS Backup & Recovery v3.2

Unboxing N2WS Backup & Recovery v4.3

From impenetrable data vaults to cross-cloud magic, learn the latest features for maximum flexibility & ROI.

New Release
Watch Now
N2WS Backup & Recovery v3.2

Unboxing N2WS Backup & Recovery v4.3

From impenetrable data vaults to cross-cloud magic, learn the latest features for maximum flexibility & ROI.

New Release
Watch Now
N2WS Backup & Recovery v3.2

Unboxing N2WS Backup & Recovery v4.3

From impenetrable data vaults to cross-cloud magic, learn the latest features for maximum flexibility & ROI.

New Release
Watch Now
How it works
The TL;DR was designed to help you maximize your ROI from N2WS without taking your whole lunch break.
Your hosts
a photo of Sebastian
Sebastian Straub
N2WS Principal Solutions Architect
a photo of Alon
Alon Maimoni
N2WS Chief Revenue Officer
Up next
Cost Savings
12 Sep

Cost Savings with Resource Control

Learn about the key feature that allowed Gett to save 50% on their compute costs within one month.

Can't attend live? Sign up to get the replay 👆
*For you non-millennials TL;DR stands for “too long; didn’t read” and is used to quickly convey the main message without any fluff or unnecessary info.

N2WS vs AWS Backup

Why chose N2WS over AWS Backup? Find out the critical differences here.

N2WS in comparison to AWS Backup, offers a single console to manage backups across accounts or clouds. Here is a stylized screenshot of the N2WS dashboard.