Ensuring Peak Performance: a guide to setting an AWS CloudWatch alarm for N2WS

How to install AWS CloudWatch for N2WS
Learn how to install the AWS CloudWatch agent to monitor disk space and configure alarms to notify you about disk space or EC2 status issues.
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N2WS Backup & Recovery is a reliable solution for protecting multiple servers across multiple accounts in various organizations. However, because it lives as an EC2 instance in your environment, it may encounter issues, like any EC2 instance, that can affect its performance and functionality. For example, the disk may become completely full or the EC2 status check may fail.

Fortunately, these issues can be easily prevented and resolved. In this guide, we’ll walk through how to install the AWS CloudWatch agent to monitor disk space and how to configure alarms to notify you about disk space issues or EC2 status checks.

First, let’s setup an alarm on your N2WS instance to alert you in the event of an EC2 Status check failure. Then we’ll install the CloudWatch agent and enable an alarm to monitor disk space usage.

1. Set up an EC2 status check alarm

Occasionally, the N2WS instance may encounter an issue that causes its status check to fail. Although these AWS issues are rare, it’s advisable to set up an alarm in case they occur.

Setting up an EC2 status check alarm

NOTE: The steps in this part are based on this AWS documentation.

Step 1: Open the Amazon EC2 console, select N2W server.

Step 2: Click on the Status Checks tab, and then on Actions, and Create status check alarm.

Create a status check alarm in CloudWatch

Step 3: Under Add or edit alarm, choose Create an alarm.

Step 4: Under Alarm notification, select an existing SNS topic to use to send notifications

Manage CloudWatch alarms

Note: If you don’t have an SNS topic to use, you can learn how to create one here.

Step 5: Under Alarm thresholds, you can keep the default setting and then click create.

screenshot showing how to set alarm thresholds

You should now have an alarm in place that will send notification to the selected SNS topic in case the N2WS EC2 has a status check issue.

2. Set up a disk space alarm

AWS does not collect data, such as disk space usage, from within the operating system by default. It only collects data available from outside, such as CPU utilization. So, to set a disk usage alarm, we first need to install the CloudWatch agent inside the N2WS server to collect disk usage metric and then we can set an alarm based on that custom metric.

Adding permissions

NOTE: This permissions step is based on the AWS documentation here.

Step 1: Select the N2WS Server, and click on the role.

screenshot showing how to add a role

Step 2: Click on Add permissions -> Attach policies

screenshot showing how to attach policies

Step 3: Add the “CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy” permission to the role

screenshot showing adding permissions to the role

Installing the CloudWatch agent

NOTE: This installation step is based on the AWS documentation here.

Step 1: Connect to the N2WS instance using SSH, with the user cpmuser and your selected key.

Step 2: Run the following command.

sudo su cd /tmp 
wget https://amazoncloudwatch-agent.s3.amazonaws.com/ubuntu/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.deb 
sudo dpkg -i -E ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent.deb

Agent Configuration

NOTE: This configuration step is based on the AWS documentation here.

Step 1: Edit or create the configuration file, using the JSON command below.

sudo vi /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json

  "agent": {
    "metrics_collection_interval": 300,
    "run_as_user": "cwagent"
  "metrics": {
    "append_dimensions": {
        "InstanceId": "${aws:InstanceId}"
    "metrics_collected": {
      "disk": {
        "measurement": [
        "metrics_collection_interval": 300,
        "resources": [

Step 2: Save the JSON and exit.

This JSON will tell CloudWatch to collect metrics every 5 minutes for the root (/) and cpm data volumes (/cpmdata).

Step 3: After setting this, restart the CloudWatch agent with the command below and wait 30 minutes.

sudo systemctl restart amazon-cloudwatch-agent

After 30 minutes, go to the CloudWatch service and verify that you can see the new custom metric.

Step 4: Go to CloudWatch -> All metrics -> CWAgent

screenshot showing the cloudwatch cwagent

Step 5: Click on instanceID

screenshot showing the instance id button

Step 6: Now you will be able to see the collected metrics for both volumes.

screenshot showing cloudwatch metrics

NOTE: If something doesn’t work, you can check out this CloudWatch troubleshooting doc.

Setting an alarm

Now that we’ve created this new metric, we can continue to create an alarm. This way, if the disk usage percent goes above a certain threshold, we’ll get an alert.

Step 1: Select one of the metrics, then click on Create alarm.

setting up a cloudwatch alarm

Step 2: Scroll down to the conditions and select Greater. Then enter a number for your alert threshold, for example greater than 85%.

cloudwatch alarm conditions

Now we need to select the SNS topic the alert will be sent to.

Step 3: Select an alarm and then select an existing SNS topic.

Select an SNS topic

Step 4: Now we need to add an alarm name and description.

set an alarm name and description

Step 5: Click next and create then alarm.

You can repeat this process for the other metric we created so that you have alarms for both disks.

Testing the alarm

Because years can pass before you have a real alarm due to disk space usage, it’s best practice to test the alarm to be 100% sure that it will work as expected. To test it, we first need to check the current usage.

Step 1: Go to your metrics -> CWAgent -> instanceid

CWAgent instanceID

Now that we know what the current values are, we can set the alarm to a lower number in order to force the alarm to trigger.

Step 2: Go to All alarms -> click on the CPM data Alarm

Step 3: Click on Actions -> Edit

edit alarm actions

Step 4: Set the value to a lower number than the current usage (e.g. if your usage is 6%, set the alarm to 3% for testing).

define a lower threshold for testing

Step 5: Save the changes and wait 15-20 minutes.

Step 6: Check your CloudWatch Alarms to verify that the volume is in an “alarm” state. When the alarm is triggered, an email should also be sent to the configured SNS topic.

cloudwatch alarm state

Step 7: Finally, after verifying that the alarm works, change the alarm back to its original threshold value.

You can repeat this process to test the other alarm as well. And then you’re done! You can rest easy knowing that if this error ever happens, you’ll be alerted about it right away.

Next step

Set up automatic alerting for backup & DR

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N2WS vs AWS Backup

Why chose N2WS over AWS Backup? Find out the critical differences here.

N2WS in comparison to AWS Backup, offers a single console to manage backups across accounts or clouds. Here is a stylized screenshot of the N2WS dashboard.